Students provided Toilets
at 60+ Schools
Individual Household Toilets
Toilets in 60+ Schools
RO Water Filters
Drinking Water Schemes
Period Positive Holiday Homes
Portable Toilets for Army Hospitals
What most of us take for granted in our daily lives, is a luxury for many. Like easy access to potable water and a clean toilet. These basic luxuries still remain elusive for many Indians across the diaspora. And sharing one toilet amongst 50 people, if the community is lucky to even have a toilet.
We have set about correcting this imbalance with various initiatives across the board, across several Indian states.
We plan drinking water schemes to provide vulnerable communities in rural neighbourhoods with safe drinking water by installing pipelines, providing water tankers and digging borewells.
During our on-ground assessment, we found that many households still do not have an indoor toilet and are forced to use community restrooms. So we construct sanitation facilities for individuals and communities so the marginalised can live in a dignified manner too. We have successfully worked at transforming 23 villages in the Palghar and Gadchiroli Districts of Maharashtra into open defecation-free (ODF) zones. We have also constructed Period Positive Homes to ensure safety and menstrual hygiene for the women of Gadchiroli District.
For detailed reports on specific initiatives, email us at
The Scope of Our Impact
Our Focus Areas
Safe Drinking Water
To address looming issues like water scarcity, we undertake projects in rural areas to improve amenities and enhance the living conditions of locals. These include setting up large-scale water storage facilities and artificially-created surface water bodies to tackle water supply challenges across regions. We also arrange clean drinking water by providing water tankers and water filtration units to communities and institutions across India.
As part of our ongoing efforts to ensure proper sanitation facilities in rural areas, we provide individual, solar-illuminated toilets with soak pits built by local labour, thereby ensuring employment opportunities through this initiative. We have developed infrastructural facilities at 52 schools in the Ratnagiri and Satara Districts and successfully transformed 23 tribal villages in Maharashtra into Open Defecation Free zones.